As shown in my first sketch, at the heart of Victoria Square is a large, 2 tired water fountain, where water from the upper tier falls down stairs to the bottom tier. Both pools have a water statue, which either sits in the flowing water or projects water into the air. Just the sound of running water creates a peaceful effect, which is nice in a busy city when trying to escape some where for lunch. Surrounding the water fountain is low, thick wall which is often used for seating, weather or not it is busy. The purpose of this urban area seams to be junction for people walking through, as there are many entrances and exits to this area, all leading to different parts of the city. I think this because there is very little purposely built seating, suggesting it was never in the design , or brief for this area to be used as a seating area. Maybe it should have been put in the brief, as many people sit in the area, and its almost always occupied.
My second sketch is a view from the top tier, looking upon the fountain. Many, large concrete sphere balls create an edge around the area, following the shape of the fountain wall. Although these could be there for an aesthetic impact, I believe they may serve as fancy bollards preventing drivers from going in that direction. They too could even be an informal type of seating, and together with the spheres, and the fountain wall, maybe the client brief was a seating area, but the architect has tried to disguise the seating so that its not formal.
Finally I tried to draw the whole of the area so the layout of the area can be properly seen. Other pointers why I think the brief for this area is for 'passers by' and not for people to linger is the stairs. Both stair cases are very large, plenty enough room for the rush hour pedestrians commuting to and from work. The size of this area also means events, and markets such as the very famous German market can be held here, and can accommodate for a lot of people. Its now also viable that the design of the urban space is very symmetrical, with equal stairs either side of the fountain. then, protruding from the fountain are different coloured, yellow, floor bricks, creating an effect that nearly draws you closer to the fountain. The surroundings of this Urban space are also very impressive, with the famous Town hall, and council house facing the space. To conclude for this urban space, I again think that this urban space is very successful as it is used by a lot of people, for multiple reasons, its a flexible, attractive space in an urban landscape.