Monday, 28 April 2014

Task 2 - Critical thinking

If asked what I thought critical thinking is before reading 'critical reading' by Jennifer Moon, 2008, depending on the time of day, the mood I was in and who I was asked by, I would struggle, and I probably wouldn't be able to give a straight answer. It almost feels like I know what it is, but cant explain it.  However, now I have read 'critical thinking', and I must say I'm even more in the dark on how to explain it. its a very vague phrase, as people go about it in different ways but try and end up and the same conclusion, something better! The idea of critical thinking is to improve, and work towards a perfect conclusion.
Defining critical thinking can be made as complicated or as simple as you like, and it depends on the persons brain process on what they believe it really is. Personally, when reading through my own work, a peers work, or having a conversation with someone, I constantly question in my mind what I understand, what I don't, and weather I believe things are correct or not. In fact writing this blog post alone has had me delete sentences only minutes after writing them because I have critically analysed it and found its not what I mean, or isn't good enough. I think this is brain function everyone has, when concentrating, which is needed in order to learn, and progress.
Critical thinking also requires common sense, and interest in the topic. someone who believes everything that's
told to them will massively struggle when it comes to critical thinking, and if there is a lack of interest in the topic, there is no real motive for the person to criticise the work and try and improve it.
To conclude, I believe critical thinking follows the 'its gotta get bad before it gets good' idea where you have to initially think slightly negative about something in order to solve a problem, or improve resulting in a more positive out come.

References: Critical thinking, an exploration into theory and practice, Jennifer Moon, 2008

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